For many companies, working from home is still a novel idea, therefore data on remote work is limited. However, these ten work from home statistics appear to indicate that allowing employees to work from home, or working from home yourself, has tremendous value:
1. Employees are more productive when they work from home
To make a profit, businesses require productive professionals. Employees, on the other hand, are only productive around 77% of the time, according to research, and are more likely to be productive when working from home.
Majority of the employees polled in favour of being more productive when working from home. This is because of the lack of noise and interruptions that come with working in a crowded workplace, the removal of daily commutes, and the improved comfort of self-described introverts.
Coworkers, ringing phones, loud discussions, and individuals moving around in the workplace are all common sources of distraction for employees. It takes an employee an average of 23 minutes to refocus after being distracted. Most of these distractions are not even an issue when working from home. Introverts claim that they can get more work done when they’re at home, away from the pressures of having to interact socially with coworkers.
Others attribute their greater productivity to the fact that they are no longer wasting hours each day driving to and from work. Because they don’t have to commute, they’re more at ease and less resentful of working longer hours from home to complete a job. They also can use time management apps that will help them to stay productive while working from home.
2. Employees who work from home are 52% less likely to take time off
According to a CoSo Cloud survey, employees are encouraged to work more efficiently at home and take fewer vacations. Employees who work from home are more likely to work without calling in sick and also take fewer vacations resulting in lower absenteeism.
3. Managers of remote employees are concerned about reduced productivity, according to 82 % of them
Even though workplace productivity data by Owl Labs have repeatedly demonstrated that remote work increases productivity, managers who work with remote employees are nonetheless concerned about decreasing productivity and focus, as well as whether remote employees complete projects on time. They appear to be less concerned with employee loneliness and employee future.
Pulse surveys are a great way to take your work from home experience up another notch. Pulse survey benefits include greater flexibility, reduced commute times, and increased productivity since you’re able to focus on what matters most – company tasks.
4. Attrition is reduced by 50% when employees work remotely
Because employees are more satisfied at work when they work remotely, there is a significant reduction in employee attrition. When individuals leave a job, it’s usually because they’re dissatisfied with it.
Working from home, according to Stanford Business, is considered as a huge perk that could compensate for any other shortcomings in the position. Employees who stay on the job receive more experience and lower the need to train new employees, enhancing the overall performance of the team.

5. Working from home jobs have grown 115 % in the last decade
According to the State of Telecommuting, work from home jobs have grown 10 times faster than traditional jobs. This measure can be interpreted in a variety of ways. It’s possible that firms are understanding how much more productive individuals are when they work from home, and as a response, they’re expanding their workforce to include more remote working positions. It’s also possible that more people are keen to build their own work-from-home opportunities.
6. People who work from home on a regular basis are more satisfied
Employees who work from home at least once a month are 24 times more likely to be pleased at work, according to OWL Labs. There are a variety of reasons why someone can be happier working from home, but the most important is that happiness rises consistently.
7. Companies with remote positions have a 25% lower turnover rate
According to Owl Labs’ 2017 state of remote work report, positions that allow for working from home had a 25% lower turnover rate. This is most likely related to the job’s pleasure and stress levels; if employees are grateful for the ability to work from home, they are much less likely to quit.
8. Organizations with a completely remote workforce hire 33% quicker
The same report by Owl Labs states that if your entire team works remotely, you’ll be able to fill positions 33% quicker than your competition. This has an impact on your team’s overall output because you’ll be stuck with open positions for much shorter periods of time, and you’ll spend significantly more time at peak teamwork and production as a result.
Building a totally remote team, on the other hand, is difficult, especially if team members are in different parts of the world. It’s critical to create a culture where everyone feels valued as a team member.
9. At least some work is now done from home by 23% of employees
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23% of American workers currently work from home often. The number of people working from home is steadily increasing, indicating that companies are more confident in their employees’ ability to be productive under these circumstances.
10. 74% of experts believe that remote work will become the norm soon
When asked about the future of work, 74% of professionals predict that remote work will become the accepted norm. According to Forbes, this viewpoint is held by 76% of entrepreneurs, indicating that traditional office spaces, as well as co-working spaces, will soon decline to be in use.
Large firms such as Twitter and Slack have already stated that all employees would be able to work from home on a permanent basis, while Salesforce has just unveiled their hybrid work plan. Because of the precedent these companies are setting, as well as employee expectations, not having a remote work option will be damaging to a company’s ability to move forward.
Other advantages of working at home
According to these working from home statistics, productivity gains, effectiveness, and improved work performance are the evident benefits of working from home, but they aren’t the only ones a business may experience by implementing a work from home policy. The following are only a few of the other benefits:
1. Reduced office expenses
If you own your company and now rent an office, you should calculate how much money you’d save if you went completely remote. Allowing all your workers to work from home at the same time is a risky decision, but if it’s feasible for your company, you could save thousands of dollars per month.
2. Better job opportunities
If you’re recruiting remote employees, you won’t be limited to those in your immediate neighborhood; you’ll be able to hire people from all over the country, and even continents. This broadens your range of possibilities and allows you to locate better matches for open opportunities.
3. Benefits to the environment
People who work from home will not drive or even take public transportation to work. As a result, your team’s greenhouse gas emissions will be greatly reduced, which will have a positive impact on the environment.
Last thoughts
People seek flexible schedules and the option to work from home or in a hybrid work style, even if only on an occasional basis. Furthermore, by implementing a few relatively simple regulations, businesses might save money while increasing productivity and employee morale.
Depending on your arrangement, working from home can be a more efficient work environment than a traditional office cubicle, also allowing you to achieve a better work-life balance. The epidemic has altered the way we work, with more businesses opting for at-home solutions.
Make sure that your staff is comfortable, organized, and healthy to ensure that their production remains at a high and consistent level for months to come.
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